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General Discussion

Results of the Annual Elections
President BMW Club
At the meeting we had 2 nominations - one each for the treasurer and secretary positions. Everyone voted for Tom Bragaw to be the treasurer and his wife, Linda, to be the secretary. Congratulations to you guys and thank you very much for supporting the club. 

There were no nominations for the president or the VP. I closed the nominations and ended the election. Then I showed a brief slide presentation that captured some of my thoughts about our situation with the lack of volunteers. 

I will write more and you can see my presentation below, but the end result is that we will test a concept of not having a president or VP for the next year. Instead we will have a "club manager" (me for now until and unless someone else does it). And we will have rotating "meeting hosts" each month who will present their agenda and facilitate the meeting, including finding and introducing a presenter for that month. 

This will hopefully enable more people to help with the club without a huge commitment of time or energy. I already have 3 volunteers and we will start this in January. 

Some immediate issues come to mind. First is if we need a volunteer to host and 'mc' the Christmas Party. Normally that is the VP. The second issue is again the VP is normally responsible to plan and execute the annual rally in November. Who will do that? We have time to figure it out but we had all this year to find a VP for this rally and never did. The future is uncertain...

Here is a link to my slide presentation with my thoughts about the club's future. The presentation of course doesn't do justice to my remarks but I may expand in a future email or post in the forums. I just want to get this out to everyone sooner than later. 

Jerry's Thoughts On The Future Of The Club

I welcome any ideas, suggestions, or alternatives. 

Jerry Matson
Club Manager
BMW  Club of Houston
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