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BMW Club - Open Call For Volunteers To Support The...
President BMW Club
Next month is our annual election meeting (Thurs, Oct 11). This is an open call for nominations for officers for the next year. Our officers' terms start Nov 1 (actually delayed until after the rally since it is that first weekend). We are looking for people to fill all positions except the RideMeister (Tarek has graciously agreed to stay on). That is positions for president, vice president, treasurer, and secretary. 

Please consider stepping up to take a turn in keeping the club active. It really doesn't take much time and it isn't difficult. We are one of the oldest BMW motorcycle clubs in one of the largest cities in the US! We have about 160 paying members and about 30 to 50 people at our meetings each month. 

Over the years we have simplified the operation of the club. For the annual rally we stopped doing the bike show and field events, and even most of the cooking - all labor intensive. We recently moved the club website to a membership management system which greatly simplified the treasurer's job. The membership renewals and reminder emails are all automatic now, and people can pay online. No more spreadsheets and paper checks and cash to deal with! For our information management we have dedicated officers' email accounts and a common shared file system (Google Apps) so each new officer inherits all the previous officer's email and documents - no more reinventing the wheel! And no more manilla folders or 3-ring binders to hand down! Most of the major events and tasks are kept in each officer's calendar with automatic reminders. It couldn't get any simpler or easier! (I will make a separate post with more details about each officer's responsibilities.)

But we can't automate the people who make the club a friendly, welcoming place for new members or riders. And keep it going for the old time members. Someone needs to represent the club at the meetings (president) and our major events (Christmas party and rally - vice president). And keep our finances straight. It doesn't take a CPA to manage our simple checking account - it is all automated now! 

I have been involved with the club as the administrator since 2011 and I have seen 7 years of officers come and go. A year just isn't that long a time to serve. That is 11 meetings (no meeting in December), a Christmas party, and a rally. (And you don't really have to make every meeting - others will fill in. I have missed 3 meetings this year due to travel!) The RideMeister does all the rides and he is planning to stay another year. We have a few officers meetings to plan things and email occasionally. It really isn't that difficult or time-consuming! 

We are blessed in our club not to have issues with personalities or politics - everyone gets along and just wants to ride or hear stories about riding! It really is fun! 

So think about taking a turn in a position in the club. Or nominate someone you know who might be willing. Most people won't self-initiate but will consider if asked. If you know of someone just email me and I'll ask them! 

Jerry Matson
BMW Motorcycle Club of Houston

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