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BMW MOA National Rally 2019 - Lebanon, TN - in JUN...
Jerry Matson
I just got my copy of the BMW Owners News magazine and saw a news article about the rally in 2019 (page 31). They announced the location will be Lebanon, TN. Nice! Only a 2 day ride if you haven't been to a national rally before.

But there was another piece of news that was more significant than the location - and that was that the date was going to be in June - not July. This is significant because, if you have followed the rallies for any length of time, the MOA has withstood criticism for years about having the rally in the hottest part of the summer. One of the main reasons was the planning by the hundreds of vendors for years in advance to fit their summer travel schedules. Well, whatever, now they have changed it.

I noted the caveat that this is for 2019 only and may not be permanent. That's fine, let's see how it works out. At least they are listening.
Nick Bell
Jerry, trying out the new website and links to the forums. Looks like they work and will be a wonderful administrative time saver for the officers. Good work.

The 2019 MOA Rally location in Lebanon, TN is on the western fringe of some super Appalachians area riding. I will most likely go. Nick
Talmadge Wright
Tenn. is probably as close to Houston as we are likely to see, should be a good location for rides.  Anyone going up to Des Moines next month?
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